Phillip Eldridge Williams
I was born in Burlington, North Carolina 4/14/1941 to the parents of Royall E. Williams, Senior, and Gena P. Williams the third of six children including three sisters and two brothers. I attended a small private elementary school and high school. After four years of military service, (USMC), I attended for four years at that same school, John Wesley College, receiving a ThB and then an A.B. degree from Guilford College majoring in New Testament Greek. Then from the Duke Divinity School a Master of Divinity. 5/1973. I served in the United Methodist Church local pastorate for 37 years while working with the Boy Scouts of America for 36 years. I was the Conference Scouting Coordinator for six years and received the Silver Beaver award from National 9/15/2003. I retired in 2004 to answer my calling to write.
My first book I was asked to write. Prayer and the Scout Master, The Spiritual Role of the Scout leader/Mentor With Selected Prayers. (See review on website My second effort at writing was from a request of my sibling/family entitled Boyhood Impressions, Life on the Creek banks, 50 episodes about growing up on the banks of Buffalo Creek in Greensboro, North Carolina until I entered the military at age 18.
When I resolved that writing was a calling I should consider I weighed heavily the inspiration I received from the story of just how E. T. Seton received his vision that became his vision quest and answer to the Native American Way of being in search of why they are here. The direction my life took from that moment to the next 15 years revolved around what became the title of my major work: This Day… Spiritual Parallels Within Judeo/Christianity, Boy Scouts of America, the Native American, the New Testament church and Quantum Physics . This book This Day, including four volumes (see below) spawned the following books:
- Prayer and the Scoutmaster, The Spiritual Role of the Scout Leader/Mentor With Selected Prayers
- Boyhood Impressions, Life On The Creek banks
- This Day, Spiritual Parallels Within Judeo/Christianity, Boy Scouts of America/Native Americans, New Testament church, and Quantum Physics
- Volume I Spirituality in Parallel
- Volume II
o (A) Chronicles of Spiritual Formation
o (B) Chronicles of Spiritual Formation
- Volume III Spirituality and Consistency
- The Sixth Parallel, The Great Discovery
- Dance Your Own Prayer, The Survival of the Coup Feather
- The Obama Legacy, A Spiritual Analysis
- Books That Should/Must Be Written, The Vision Quest Question
- Aliens, Creatures of a Divine Kind
- Revelation, Eyes to See, Ears to Hear
- All Things Spiritual, The Final Field
This book, All Things Spiritual: The Final Field, is really the summation of what has taken these 15 or so years to feel comfortable with being said what needs to be attempted since the answer is found in the persuasion of one’s vision quest question. These books, are not necessary in order to grasp All Things Spiritual but will certainly be seen as an indispensable part of the story.
These titles are offered here for the purpose of gaining some understanding that is indeed difficult if not impossible to grasp. This may facilitate your willingness to publish any one of these titles when my number of copies have been exhausted. Up until this point in time I have not attempted to market any of my work except for the two first titles by Xlibris.

All Things Spiritual
This short quip referred to in conversation and seen often in descriptive writing as well as various and sundry speeches is in reality on shaky ground when taken apart. The truth has been the object of the search of man since he became serious with his ontology from earliest recorded history and finds its way in most academic institutions with each Latin phrase in its logo. Matter has always been taken for granted but until recently (1939) with the declaration of the Physicists community in Copenhagen, Denmark has acknowledged that indeed there is no final field theory for locating reality.
In this book, I will attempt to speak to this lack of reality by delving into the state of being, or lack thereof, I will refer to as spirituality and the Native American priority given to the Great Spirit and the answer they give to one’s ontology (why one is here) known as their vision quest. We will investigate spirituality as that encounter we all must deal with in our religious medium for finding some sense of meaning and its answer to our need for respect. I’ll look at the Judeo/Christian offering of the image of God and the spooky-goings-on-at-a-distance stipulated by Albert Einstein as well as the implications of Galileo’s insightful declaration in the 17th century that all meaning begins with experience (spirituality) and ends with experience, that spirituality is all that there is and to offer proposals based upon purely logic alone is meaningless as regards reality. Spirituality in the best sense of the word is your taking serious your honor as well as that of others. This could be seen as the First and Greatest Commandment and the Second like unto it Thy neighbor as thyself. This work is the culmination of 15 years of writing and a lifetime of seeking first the kingdom of God and his righteousness having all these things being added unto me. (Matthew 6:33)
Now to have all these things added unto you is to be quickened with eyes to see and ears to hear things/matter as they are and not from the might-makes-right syndrome or the what’s-in-it-for-me modus operandi. This quickening power is the mighty-hand-of-God as opposed to the hand-of-God revealing the nature of truth, God’s righteousness as being no respecter of persons, time, place or thing and doing so unconditionally. This is indeed the Final Field or the Truth of the Matter.
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